Source code for mpi_map.misc

# This file is part of mpi_map.
# mpi_map is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the LGNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mpi_map is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LGNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the LGNU Lesser General Public License
# along with mpi_map.  If not, see <>.
# DTU UQ Library
# Copyright (C) 2014 The Technical University of Denmark
# Scientific Computing Section
# Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
# Author: Daniele Bigoni

__all__ = ['logger', 'get_avail_procs', 'split_data', 'mpi_map_code',
           'eval_method', 'barrier', 'MPI_Pool',

import os
import sys
import time
import marshal, types
import dill
import logging
import inspect
import itertools
import distutils.spawn
from mpi4py import MPI
import mpi_map

logger = logging.getLogger('mpi_map')
ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s",
                              "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

def get_avail_procs():
    return MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()

def split_data(x, procs):
    # Split the input data
    ns = [len(x) // procs]*procs
    for i in range(len(x) % procs): ns[i] += 1
    for i in range(1,procs): ns[i] += ns[i-1]
    split_x = [ x[ns[i]:ns[i+1]] for i in range(0, procs) ]
    return (split_x, ns)

[docs]def mpi_map_code(f, x, params, procs, obj_dill=None): """ This function applies the function in ``func_code`` to the ``x`` inputs on ``procs`` processors. Args: f (function): function x (:class:`list` or :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): input params (tuple): parameters to be passed to the function (pickable) procs (int): number of processors to be used obj (object): object where ``f`` Returns: (:class:`list` [``nprocs``]) -- (ordered) outputs from all the processes """ sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) func_code = marshal.dumps(f.__code__) if not obj is None: obj_dill = dill.dumps(obj) else: obj_dill = None try: path = os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'] + '/bin/' except KeyError: path = distutils.spawn.find_executable('') if len(x) > 0: cwd = os.getcwd() procs = min(procs,len(x)) comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[path], maxprocs=procs) # Broadcast function and parameters comm.bcast((cwd, obj_dill, func_code, params), root=MPI.ROOT) # Split the input data split_x, ns = split_data(x, procs) # Scatter the data comm.scatter(split_x, root=MPI.ROOT) # # Avoid busy waiting # mpi_map.barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) # Gather the results fval = comm.gather(None,root=MPI.ROOT) comm.Disconnect() # Check for exceptions for v in fval: fail = False if isinstance(v, tuple) and isinstance(v[0], Exception): print (v[1]) fail = True if fail: raise RuntimeError("Some of the MPI processes failed") if isinstance(fval[0], list): fval = list(itertools.chain(*fval)) else: fval = [] return fval
[docs]def eval_method(fname, x, params, obj, nprocs=None, reduce_obj=None, reduce_args=None, import_set=set(), splitted=False): """ This function applies the method with name ``fname`` of object ``obj`` to the ``x`` inputs on ``nprocs`` processors. Args: fname (str): name of the function defined in ``obj`` x (:class:`list` or :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): input params (tuple): parameters to be passed to the function (pickable) obj (object): object where ``f`` is defined nprocs (int): number of processes. If ``None`` then ``MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()`` processes will be started reduce_obj (object): object :class:`ReduceObject` defining the reduce method to be applied (if any) reduce_args (object): arguments to be provided to ``reduce_object`` import_set (set): list of couples ``(module_name,as_field)`` to be imported as ``import module_name as as_field`` splitted (bool): whether the input is already splitted Returns: (:class:`list` [``nprocs``]) -- (ordered) outputs from all the processes """ sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) obj_dill = dill.dumps(obj) red_obj_dill = dill.dumps(reduce_obj) try: path = os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'] + '/bin/' except KeyError: path = distutils.spawn.find_executable('') if len(x) > 0: cwd = os.getcwd() if nprocs == None: nprocs = get_avail_procs() nprocs = min(nprocs,len(x)) comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[path], maxprocs=nprocs) # Broadcast function and parameters comm.Barrier() comm.bcast((cwd, obj_dill, fname, params, red_obj_dill, import_set), root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("eval_method: broadcast") # Split the input data if splitted: if len(x) != nprocs: raise ValueError("The splitted input is not consistent with " + \ "the number of processes") split_x = x else: split_x, ns = split_data(x, nprocs) # Split the reduce_args data if reduce_args is not None: if splitted: if len(reduce_args) != nprocs: raise ValueError("The splitted reduce_args is not consistent with " + \ "the number of processes") split_red_args = reduce_args else: split_red_args = reduce_obj.split_args(reduce_args, nprocs) else: split_red_args = [None for i in range(nprocs)] # Scatter reduce arguments comm.Barrier() comm.scatter(split_red_args, root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("eval_method: scatter") # Scatter the data comm.Barrier() comm.scatter(split_x, root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("eval_method: scatter") # # Avoid busy waiting # mpi_map.barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) # Gather the results comm.Barrier() fval = comm.gather(None,root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("eval_method: gather") # Check for exceptions for v in fval: fail = False if isinstance(v, tuple) and isinstance(v[0], Exception): print (v[1]) fail = True if fail: raise RuntimeError("Some of the MPI processes failed") if reduce_obj is None and isinstance(fval[0], list): fval = list(itertools.chain(*fval)) else: fval = [] if reduce_obj is not None: fval = reduce_obj.outer_reduce(fval, reduce_args) comm.Barrier() comm.Disconnect() return fval
[docs]def barrier(comm, tag=0, sleep=0.01): """ Function used to avoid busy-waiting. As suggested by Lisandro Dalcin at: * and *!topic/mpi4py/nArVuMXyyZI """ size = comm.Get_size() if size == 1: return rank = comm.Get_rank() mask = 1 while mask < size: dst = (rank + mask) % size src = (rank - mask + size) % size req = comm.isend(None, dst, tag) while not comm.Iprobe(src, tag): time.sleep(sleep) comm.recv(None, src, tag) req.Wait() mask <<= 1 logger.debug("Mask %d, Size %d" % (mask, size))
[docs]class MPI_Pool(object): r""" Returns (but not start) a pool of ``nprocs`` processes Usage example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import numpy.random as npr import mpi_map class Operator(object): def dot(self, x, A): return,x.T).T def set_A(A): return (None,A) nprocs = 2 op = Operator() A = npr.randn(5*5).reshape(5,5) import_set = set([("numpy","np")]) pool = mpi_map.MPI_Pool() pool.start(nprocs, import_set) try: # Set params on nodes' memory params = {'A': A} pool.eval(set_A, obj_bcast=params, dmem_key_out_list=['A']) # Evaluate on firts input x = npr.randn(100,5) split = pool.split_data([x],['x']) xdot_list = pool.eval("dot", obj_scatter=split, dmem_key_in_list=['A'], dmem_arg_in_list=['A'], obj=op) xdot = np.concatenate(xdot_list, axis=0) # Evaluate on second input y = npr.randn(100,5) split = pool.split_data([y],['x']) ydot_list = pool.eval("dot", obj_scatter=split, dmem_key_in_list=['A'], dmem_arg_in_list=['A'], obj=op) ydot = np.concatenate(ydot_list, axis=0) finally: pool.stop() """ def __init__(self): self.mpirun = False self.nprocs = None self.comm = None
[docs] def start(self, nprocs=None, import_set=set()): r""" Start the pool of processes Args: nprocs (int): number of processes. If ``None`` then ``MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()`` processes will be started import_set (set): list of couples ``(module_name,as_field)`` to be imported as ``import module_name as as_field`` """ if self.comm is None: sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) try: path = os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'] + '/bin/' except KeyError: path = distutils.spawn.find_executable('') cwd = os.getcwd() self.nprocs = nprocs if self.nprocs == None: # The command has been called through mpirun self.mpirun = True self.nprocs = get_avail_procs() logger.debug("MPI_Pool.start: spawn [before]") self.comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[path], maxprocs=self.nprocs) logger.debug("MPI_Pool.start: spawn [after]") # Broadcast cwd logger.debug("MPI_Pool.start: broadcast [before]") self.comm.bcast((cwd, import_set), root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("MPI_Pool.start: broadcast [after]")
[docs] def stop(self): r""" Stop the pool of processes """ if self.comm is not None: logger.debug("MPI_Pool.stop: broadcast [before]") # Stop children self.comm.bcast(("STOP", None, None, None, None, None, None, None), root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("MPI_Pool.stop: broadcast [after]") # Gather any error logger.debug("MPI_Pool.stop: gather [before]") fval = self.comm.gather(None, root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("MPI_Pool.stop: gather [after]") # Disconnect # Check whether somebody is still connected logger.debug("MPI_Pool.stop: disconnect [before]") self.comm.Disconnect() logger.debug("MPI_Pool.stop: disconnect [after]") self.comm = None
[docs] def split_data(self, x_list, kw_list): r""" Split the list of arguments in ``x_list`` into ``nprocs`` chunks and identify them by the keywords in ``kw_list``. Args: x_list (list): list of ``m`` arguments splittable in ``nprocs`` chunks kw_list (list): list of ``m`` strings used to identify the arguments Returns: (:class:`list<list>` [nprocs]) -- list of dictionaries containing the chucks """ n = self.nprocs if len(x_list) != len(kw_list): raise ValueError("len(x_list)=%d , len(kw_list)=%d" % (len(x_list), len(kw_list))) split = [{} for i in range(n)] for x, kw in zip(x_list, kw_list): # Split the input data ns = [len(x) // n]*n for i in range(len(x) % n): ns[i] += 1 for i in range(1,n): ns[i] += ns[i-1] ns.insert(0,0) # Update the output dictionary for i,d in enumerate(split): d[kw] = x[ns[i]:ns[i+1]] return split
[docs] def eval(self, f, obj_scatter=None, obj_bcast=None, dmem_key_in_list=None, dmem_arg_in_list=None, dmem_key_out_list=None, obj=None, reduce_obj=None, reduce_args=None, import_set=None): r""" Submit a job to the pool. Execute function ``f`` with scattered input ``obj_scatter`` and broadcasted input ``obj_bcast``. ``f`` should have the following format: ``obj_gather = f(**obj_scatter, **obj_bcast, **distr_mem[dmem_key_in_list])`` or ``(obj_gather, **distr_mem[dmem_key_out_list]) = f(**obj_scatter, **obj_bcast, **distr_mem[dmem_key_in_list])`` where ``disrt_mem`` is a data structure containing data that is stored on the nodes, ``scatter_obj`` is a dictionary with the input data that is scattered to the nodes, ``obj_bcast`` is a dictionary with the input data that is broadcasted to the nodes, ``obj_gather`` is the data structure that is gathered from the nodes. If ``obj`` is not ``None``, ``f`` must be a string identifying the method ``obj.f``. Args: f (:class:`object` or :class:`str`): function or string identifying the function in object ``obj`` obj_scatter (:class:`list` of :class:`dict`): input already splitted by :meth:`MPI_pool.split_data` obj_bcast (dict): dictionary with keys the input names of ``f`` and values the values taken by the keys. dmem_key_in_list (list): list of string containing the keys to be fetched (or created with default ``None`` if missing) from the distributed memory and provided as input to ``f``. dmem_arg_in_list (list): list of string containing the argument keywords to map fetched elements from the distributed memory to actual arguments of ``f``. Must be the same length of ``dmem_key_in_list``. dmem_key_out_list (list): list of keys to be assigned to the outputs beside the first one obj (object): object where to find function ``f``. reduce_obj (object): object :class:`ReduceObject` defining the reduce method to be applied (if any) reduce_args (object): arguments to be provided to ``reduce_object``, already splitted using :meth:`MPI_pool.split_data`. import_set (set): list of couples ``(module_name,as_field)`` to be imported as ``import module_name as as_field`` Returns: (:class:`list` [``nprocs``]) -- (ordered) outputs from all the processes """ if isinstance(f, str): f_in = f else: f_in = dill.dumps(f) obj_dill = dill.dumps(obj) red_obj_dill = dill.dumps(reduce_obj) # Prepare import if import_set is None: import_set = set() # Prepare scatter object if obj_scatter is not None: if len(obj_scatter) != self.nprocs: raise ValueError("The splitted input is not consistent with " + \ "the number of processes") else: obj_scatter = [{} for i in range(self.nprocs)] # Prepare broadcast object if obj_bcast is None: obj_bcast = {} # Prepare dmem_key_in_list object if dmem_key_in_list is None: dmem_key_in_list = [] # Prepare dmem_arg_in_list object if dmem_arg_in_list is None: dmem_arg_in_list = [] if len(dmem_arg_in_list) != len(dmem_key_in_list): raise ValueError("The len(dmem_arg_in_list) != len(dmem_key_in_list) " + \ "(%d != %d)" % (len(dmem_arg_in_list), len(dmem_key_in_list))) # Prepare dmem_key_out_list object if dmem_key_out_list is None: dmem_key_out_list = [] # Prepare reduce object if reduce_args is not None: if len(reduce_args) != self.nprocs: raise ValueError("The splitted reduce_args is not consistent with "+\ "the number of processes") split_red_args = reduce_args else: split_red_args = [{} for i in range(self.nprocs)] # Broadcast function and parameters self.comm.bcast((obj_dill, f_in, obj_bcast, dmem_key_in_list, dmem_arg_in_list, dmem_key_out_list, red_obj_dill, import_set), root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("MPI_Pool.eval: broadcast") # Scatter reduce arguments self.comm.scatter(split_red_args, root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("MPI_Pool.eval: scatter") # Scatter the data self.comm.scatter(obj_scatter, root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("MPI_Pool.eval: scatter") # Gather the results fval = self.comm.gather(None,root=MPI.ROOT) logger.debug("MPI_Pool.eval: gather") # Check for exceptions for v in fval: fail = False if isinstance(v, tuple) and isinstance(v[0], Exception): print (v[1]) fail = True if fail: self.stop() raise RuntimeError("Some of the MPI processes failed") if reduce_obj is not None: fval = reduce_obj.outer_reduce(fval, reduce_args) return fval
[docs]class ReduceObject(object): r""" [Abstract] Generic object to be passed to MPI methods in order to define reduce operations. """ def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError("[Abstract]: needs to be extended")
[docs] def inner_reduce(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" [Abstract] Reduce function called interally by every process """ raise NotImplementedError("[Abstract]: needs to be extended")
[docs] def outer_reduce(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" [Abstract] Reduce function called by the root process """ raise NotImplementedError("[Abstract]: needs to be extended")